Jonathan McDermott
Jonathan McDermott
Planning and Heritage Director
About Me

BSC (Geographical Science) – University of Portsmouth

MA (Town Planning) – University of Westminster

MRTPI – Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute

FRGS – Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society

CXO – TPX Group

Principal Town Planner -Town Planning Expert

With some 20 years experience in the planning industry, Jon McDermott is a Chartered Town Planner and Educator in planning and development. As the Principal Town Planner at Town Planning Experts, Jon is also an active member of the MRTPI – Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute.

Host to a wealth of planning knowledge, Jon specialises in Flood Risk Management and prepares all of the Flood Risk Assessments for Town Planning Experts. Jon is always keen to share his knowledge of the planning system with his clients and is skilled in taking challenging situations and providing clear solutions and strategies.

Jon is an attendee of a number of established networking events and is a regular writer in the Your Property Network Magazine. Jon is always more than happy to assist new clients with a straightforward and pragmatic approach, which underpin the key principles at Town Planning Experts.